


This incorporates 159 dwellings in a mixed use development, including retirement village, community facilities, motel, restaurant, residential care hostel and cultural centre.

Formerly a high school, the site presented many challenges and opportunities that the design team was able to take advantage of to deliver real value to the client and bring many benefits to the town centre of Camden.

A design that benefitted the broader community

Creating beautifully accessible spaces

Working with council to ensure a fully thought-out development plan

Reintroducing life, light and activity

The proposed new development will bring life, light and activity to the northern precinct of the township of Camden, an area that has been dilapidated and closed to the community for many years.

The new permanent population of the development will bring substantial economic benefits to Camden through increased commerce and is situated within easy walking distance to the main street with its existing cafes and shops. Social benefits will also come from the upgrade of this site and the many new community spaces and facilities that are planned for it.

Careful designs with council collaboration

Through a process of careful design, collaboration and consultation with the local council and community, early indications show that there is broad support for the proposal within the town, especially the retirement village component.

The development will incorporate many initiatives in sustainable design to achieve a high-performance rating in thermal efficiency, energy and water conservation. A five-star NatHERS rating has been achieved for all dwellings.

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11 Marian Street
Killara NSW 2071

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